Good Evening all you fellow blog readers! After some chat at work today, it would seem I have a few followers in support of my words and photos. Can I just take a moment and say how happy that makes my heart? :)
Like I said in my original post, I have wanted a way to bring together both parts of my life. Any of you who have moved from one culture to another know what I am on about. Although there are significant changes when you have moved anywhere, even down the road, it is another level of change to move cultures. Soo, my day to day is very much a quest and I discover something new all the time. So thanks for reading about it ;)
So, I had my last day off yesterday and spent it making food and baking all day. Thanks to the lovely weather, I gave up attempting to soak myself in the vitamin D rays of the sun.
You see, that is how the weather works here. It is one of four kinds of weather. Rainy, Sunny, Mild or Windy. The rain can be broken down into subcategories however. I will begin to sound like Bubba or Forest when I say this, but there is side ways rain, drippy rain, foggy warm rain, steady rain and my absolute favorite, misty-back-up-in-your-face-and-ruin-your-makeup kind of rain. This rain also may not last more than 5 minutes and then it becomes sunshine and you think you have a chance. But sometimes, (like me yesterday), if you put on your shoes and grab your hoodie to head out the door, it starts raining again. Thus, I gave up and went back to cooking and baking.
There is however, so much of this I can even handle at a time. I love love to bake. There is nothing more cozy in the world to me than the smell of something that contains cinnamon rising in the oven. You see, I am trying to learn to bake by converting cups and ounces into grams and milliliters. If you know me well, that goes something like this in my mathematical noggin:
I have many a math tutor in my day, but I am afraid it wont ever make sense to me. I won't give up though. Part of moving somewhere different is adapting to what they have to offer. Otherwise, why are you interested?
Today I was back to work after four days off, and it took me all day to get back into my groove. As another change in my life has been starting work in an office setting. As most of you know, I used to have children clinging onto me or my jeans were covered in glue from art projects. I treasure that time in my life, but working in this office suits me for awhile. I love the people I work with and we have fun despite being inside most of the time. We are pulling pranks on one another or talking about our favourite things,(in between doing work of course) so really it is very similar to a day with children. Only we are mischievous adults. We even eagerly planned an Easter egg hunt for next week. You know, so all of us adults can run around and find surprise eggs. We may have to settle for finding regular eggs though, because it is surprisingly not that common to purchase plastic eggs here. They don't really do the jelly belly jelly beans and peeps thing here. No, they do something like this. And let me tell you, it tastes even better than it looks. Because nothing tastes better than chocolate from the UK. (Unless it is from Bulgaria. 'Cause that stuff also plays happy tunes on your taste buds.)
Do you see what that is Mainer's? That is a giant Cadbury's creme egg with
five creme eggs inside. This is the kind of amazing that happens on shelves all over England. The only reason these people aren't diabetic is because they walk or bike everywhere and they know what the word moderation means. There have got to be at least two looooong isles worth of sweets in any given shop here. If my tastebuds weren't headed to the savoury side of life I would be screwed. I will have to get a picture in the next couple days of the beautiful display of brightly colored wrapped chocolate eggs at the front of a shop down the road. It looks like Willy Wonka's factory inside.
There can be a dedicated blog to the sweets of England at some point soon. What I will say for now, is this country owns us on the celebration of Easter. They do it up!!
I know I went terribly off course there, but my mind is a little scattered today tee hee. I wonder if it might do some good to send Kid's Corner some sweets in the mail? Would you lovely ladies and any of you parents with KC kiddos like that idea? If you are still an active member of Kid's Corner, let me know what kinds of sweets your little ones like and I will do my best to send something from here! It won't make it in time for Easter, but everyday is a day for candy! And the best part is you can deal with the sugar high and the sugar crash, and I can be doting Jen Jen, bwa ah ahhh! So comment below and give me your fav flavors.
If anyone is also interested in some sort of treat box from here containing the best that the UK has to offer, let's work something out. I cannot pay for everything, but I am sure we can figure out how to go about it!
For now though, my own sugar crash has ended, and I must go to bed and do that thing called work in the morning. Talk to you tomorrow peeps xx