For this post, I was inspired by Buzzfeed. Any one of you who is on Facebook knows what site I am on about. It is the perfect time waster, before you know it, you are still sitting with now cold pizza in your lap shaking your head wondering where the past half hour went. So I was on this time waster on Friday, chuckling to myself because I was reading all the various lists about " you know you are from England when.." and it occurred to me that I actually am starting to understand it here! All of those silly little things that make up day to day lives here are part of mine and I get it. I am fortunate enough to "get" two separate cultures!
I thought I would share something similar with all of you, get to you to know each culture as well! So below I lists from each place that I feel sufficiently describes what its like to be a local to each area, as well as the language of each place. I have also put a video of one well loved comedian in each place, so keep it on in the background and laugh :D (I think that will be a regular thing on here, introducing comedy, music and traditions)
I thoroughly invite you all to comment on this post! It is my goal to have you interact with one another, so please share anything you like!
enjoy! xmex
Out of all the British problems made into movie posters, this one had me in stitches. Just like the self checkouts in America, except they weigh everything in your bag over here. You move one thing a tiny bit to the side and the operater says ...
I dont know how to explain this picture except to say, that is Maine. You can most likely get most anything at the same location.